Wow my dreams have come true. Chad and I are expecting a baby. I am guessing that I am 6-7 weeks along and I am guessing that the baby will be due in May. We go to the doctor (Dr. Lyons) on Monday, Sept. 21st for the lab work and to get lots of information I'm sure. It will be our first visit. I can't even begin to describe how happy we all are that we are going to have a baby! I have always wanted a baby since I was a little girl. I can't wait to have my very own that I can spoil and hold anytime. Yes I will go ahead and say this...the baby will be spoiled I'm pretty sure since Chad and I are both only children. I have known since Aug. 25th. I didn't want to say anything until I just really felt confident even though all 8 pregnancy tests have read positive! LOL. We told our parents this past weekend at a cookout we had at our house. I had made a picture frame with our baby pictures and put a sign that said "Surprise! We are having a baby!" Chad took a picture of that with our camera and put it on our tv. We told our parents we wanted them to look at cute pictures of Lexi. They were so happy!! They were actually speechless and quiet at first but they sure came around quickly! Everyone is just so happy. I also made a the grandmas a "goodie bag" stuffed full of things they would need at their house!
So far I have been really sick and nauseous since Tues. Sept. 8th both morning and afternoon. I know this is just part of pregnancy. I am very lazy and very tired. This is the best time of my life so far, even with the sicky feelings.